API 1608 Console 32 Channels***
Manley Mastering Backbone
Crane Song Ltd. Avocet Discret A Class Studio Controller
B+W 800 D3 powered by Classé Audio
B+W 805 D3 powered by Classé Audio
Genelec 1029 A
Yamaha NS-10
Avantone MixCube Mono
1 Protools hdx (64 Analog Inputs/Outputs)
1 Protools LE (4 Analog Inputs, 4 Analog Outputs)
1 Crane Song HEDD-192 24Bit AD/DA Converter DSP 2 Channel
2 Lynx Aurora 16 Analog I/O
1 AVID hdx 16 Analog I/O
1 Digidesign 192 16 Analog Inputs, 16 Digital Outputs
1 Antelope High Resolution Audio Clock of all digital Devices
32 API 512 (1608)
1 Manley Voxbox
2 Great River MP-500NV
1 Neve
2 SPL Goldmike
1 SPL Channel One
DI Boxes:
1 Avalon Box Pure Class A
4 Telefunken activ TDA-2
4 Radial passiv
1 Countryman active
EQ in Console:
12 API 550 A
4 API 560
2 API 550B
8 Neve Style EQ Heritage
4 Speck 4 Band full parametric EQ
4 Pultec-Style EQ Lindell PEX500
2 Pultec-Style EQ A-Design EM-PEQ-1
EQ Siderack:
1 API Stereo 5500 Dual Mono
1 Manley Massive Passive Stereo EQ
1 Chandler Limited EMI TG12345 Curve Bender
1 Kush Audio Clarophonic Parallel EQ
1 Dangerous music BAX
2 Little Labs VOG Analog Bass Resonance Tool
1 Aphex EX-BB-500 Big Botton
1 API 2500 Stereo Compressor
1 Chandler Limited Zener Dual Mono Limiter Abbey Road Special Edition EMI
2 Chandler Limited Fet Germanium
1 Drawmer S-3 Multiband Tube Stereo Compressor
1 Generic Audio Compactor Zener Compressor – Limiter
2 Empirical Labs Distressor EL8X-S
1 Manley VariMu Limiter/Compressor incl. High Pass Filter+M/S Dual Mono
2 Neve Rupert Diode Bridge Compressor
2 Tonelux TX5C
8 API 527
2 Lindell 7X-500
2 Purple Audio Action 500 Series Mono Compressor
3 Purple Audio Pete’s Place Audio PPBAC500 Compressor
1 SPL Kultube Stereo Compressor 2049
1 Universal Audio Teletronix LA-2A Universal Audio
1 Univesal Audio 1176AE
1 Urei 1178 Limiter Mod.
2 Empirical Labs ELI Derresser EL-DS
1 Thermionic Culture Vulture Mastering Version Stereo Tube Dist. Transformer balanced
8 SPL Charisma
2 Amtec
1 Lexicon 200
1 Lexicon PCM91
1 Yamaha SPX-90
1 Orban Dual Reverberation
1 Yamaha REV5
1 Roland 201 Space Echo
1 Fulltone TTE Tape Delay
1 Ibanez Analog Delay AD202
1 JMI Tube Spring Reverb
1 Roland Dimension D
1 Ibanez Analog Delay AD202 (Chorus, Flanger, Doubler)
2 Little Labs IBP Phase Alignement Tool Re-Amp Phasenregulator
2 Cloud Cloudlifter (Phantom powered Gain booster for Ribbon Mics)
2 Coles 4038
2 AEA R92 Large Ribbon matched pair
1 AEA Ribbon R84
2 Royer R-121 Mono Ribbon Figure-8 matched pair
1 Beyerdynamic M160N 8438 Ribbon
1 Beyerdynamic
4 T-Bone RB100 Ribbon
2 T-Bone RM700 Ribbon
2 Flea 49/F7 Revision C matched pair
2 Neumann U67 matched pair
1 Wunder Audio U47
1 Brauner VMX Mikrofon Vintage Tube
1 Manley Manley Labs Reference Cardioid Mik
1 Mojave
2 Schoeps cmc6 mk2
2 DPA 4006
1 Neumann TLM49
2 Oktava MK012-01
1 Shure Beta91
1 Neumann Vintage KM85
1 Shure SM81LC
1 Shure SM91
3 Electro-Voice RE20
2 Sennheiser E604 Evolution
2 Sennheiser E606 Evolution
3 Sennheiser MD421U-4
2 Sennheiser MD 421 Vintage
2 Shure Beta52A
1 Shure Beta56A
4 Shure SM57-LCE
3 Shure SM58-LCE
1 Shure SM7B
1 Shure 520DX “Velolampe” Mundharmonikamik
1 Superlux WH5
1 T-Bone SC600
2 Placid Audio Resonanz Microphone
Waves Clasic Collection incl. SSL Nseries and API
Waves WPTA Platinum Bundle
UAD 2 Custom
Line 6 Echo Farm
Line 6 Amp Farm 3.0
IK Multimedia Ampeg VST
Celemony Melodyne
Toontrack EZ Drummer
Drumgog 4 Pro Version inkl. RockDrums Vol.4 Ultradrumdisc
Digidesign Massive Pack
15 Behringer Personal Monitor Stations 16 Channel
8 Sennheiser HD25
1 Vic Firth Stereo Isolation Headphone SIH
1 Sony MDR-7505 Kopfhörer
1 AKG K240 DF
1 AKG K270 Studio
1 AKG K55 Stereo
***Good to know:
Our Standard Setup:
64 Analog Inputs to ProTools are feeded with:
32 API 1608 direct outs
8 Inputs of external Preamps (Great River, Neve, API, Manley, SPL…)
8 BUS Outputs of Console
8 Aux Outputs of Console
you can record all direct outputs of each 32 channel of the Console and/or you can record in groups thru all 8 BUS-Outputs from the Console. This BUS outputs feed our BUS compressors connected directly to ProTools.
The BUS-Outputs are connected with the following COMPRESSORS which can be hardbypassed:
BUS 1-2 Termionic Culture Culture Vulture
BUS 3-4 Distressor
BUS 5-6 Chandler EMI Zener
BUS 7-8 API 2500
all aux sends from the Console are connected to hardware FX’s going directly to ProTools:
Aux1 Fulltone TubeTapeDelay
Aux2 RE 201 Tape Delay
Aux3 JMI Tube Spring Reverb
you can record dry signals plus create additional tracks including great sounding delays or reverbs with a flip of a switch.
Instruments, Amps and other nice stuff we provide:
Guitar and Bass Amps:
– Marshall, Vox, JMI, Mesaboogie, Fender, THC, Hiwatt, Ampeg
– A most amazing Steinway Grand Piano D-274 with its already legendary Serial no. 588 036
– Upright Piano
– Hammond A100 ( 100% identical to B3) and Leslie
– Slingerland 4 piece Vintage Original of the 50’s (24″ Bassdrum 13″,16″ Toms)
– Sonor Teardrop 4 piece Vintage Original of the 50’s (20″ Bassdrum 13″,16″ Toms)
– Ludwig Vintage of the 70’s (22“ Bassdrum, 13“, 16“ Toms)
– GMS Bassdrum 24″
– 6 different Snares
– lots of Cymbals and Percussion stuff.
We provide instruments or take care of special requests on demand.
– 4 Black Magic Design 4K Cameras
– ATEM Mini ISO (for 4 Cameras)
Recording the Masters – tapes & cassettes
For a pure analog sound we exclusively use „recording the masters“ professional analog audio tapes. RTM as the leading manufacturer provides superior recording and sound qualities. The products are made in France and used worldwide in major recording studios. We are proud t be Switzerland’d official reseller for RTM professional tapes and cassettes.